Metoda je založena dle (SNiP 2.04.03-85)
Hydraulický výpočet pro systémy odvodnění vody se provádí zvlášť pro každý pozemek a každou plochu samostatně. Nejlepší způsob je svěřit tento výpočet odborníkům, kteří se profesně zabývají projektováním drenáží a kanalizace.
Při projektování drenážních systémů a povrchových odvodňovacích kanálů je třeba vzít v úvahu řadu faktorů: úhrn srážek pro tuto oblast; parametry povrchu drenážních prvků; nominální drenážovaná plocha. Těmito parametry je určen nominální průtok vody v l / s . Výběr vhodného žlabu se provádí na základě výpočtu její odtokové kapacity, což závisí na úhlu vedení drenáže a množství výstupů do systému odvodu dešťové vody.
In order to understand whether the selected channel could manage with water flow to be drained, it is necessary to calculate precipitation amount along the nominal area:
V=k x Q x S,
k – drainage basin surface coefficient;
Q – precipitation rate for the given region in l/sec per ha (ha = 10 000 square meters);
S – nominal drain area in sq. m;
V – precipitation amount in l/sec for this region to be collected from the nominal area.
It is necessary to select a drainage channel. Surface type - macadam pavement, it means k = 0.25 (see table “Drain surface coefficient”, page 53);
City — Minsk, which means Q=80 l/sec per ha (see table “Precipitation rate”, page 53);
Area — S=L х E/10 000=20 х 20/10 000=0.04 ha (see scheme for nominal drain area)
If we apply the data available in the formula, we will obtain the amount of precipitation for this region which shall be collected from the nominal area:
V = 0.25 х 80 х 0.04 = 0.8 (l/sec)
At the next stage we determine which channel shall be applied, according to calculated V parameter a selection of drainage channel is made by means of catalogue following channel name. In our case channel 100.65 h65 is suitable, see table “Specifications of the channels”.
№ |
load class |
name |
hydraulic calculation, mm |
conveying capacity |
1 |
А-Е |
drainage channels 100.65 h65 |
DN 100 |
3,1 |
2 |
А-Е |
drainage channels 100.95 h95 |
DN 100 |
4,2 |
3 |
А-Е |
drainage channels 100.125 h125 |
DN 100 |
5,3 |
4 |
А-Е |
drainage channels 100.175 h175 |
DN 100 |
8,1 |
5 |
А-Е |
drainage channels 200.210 h210 |
DN 200 |
24,2 |
While matching system components it is of no less importance to select the correct grid to suit the chosen channel, which will correspond to declared load of the area where the systems are to be laid. Channels and grids shall always be selected in compliance with load class either for pedestrian area or place of cars and cargo carriers’ traffic.
1. Precipitation amount: information of Meteorological Offices on precipitation amount for each specific district can be found both in reference books, or by means of direct contacting to Meteorological Offices.
2. State of drainage systems being in operation: it shall be taken into the account that operated drainage systems are not always in a perfect state (inner section of the channels can be obstructed partially – leaves, rubbish, and etc.).
3. Location of drain line in unfavorable position or possibility of its sudden heavy pollution.
1. Perform a correct hydraulic calculation and by means hereof select all elements of surface drain line system;
2. Carry out correct installation;
3. Ensure proper operation.
Bottom formation of the drainage channel, whether with slope or not, do not affect the amount of draining water. A water level line is always aligned in the same way. And the amount of draining water is always determined only with the help of cross-section of drainage channel, slope is irrelevant here.
Thus, it makes cost-saving possible, and moreover, makes the process of laying easier.
Precipitation rate |
Russian regions |
Q |
Novosibirsk |
60 |
Moscow |
80 |
Krasnodar |
70 |
Krasnodar |
100 |
Irkutsk |
70 |
Nizhny Novgorod |
90 |
Vladivostok |
100 |
Samara |
70 |
Belarus regions |
Q |
Saratov |
70 |
Minsk region |
80 |
Saratov |
60 |
Vitebsk region |
90 |
Rostov on Don |
90 |
Mogilev region |
70 |
St-Petersburg |
60 |
Gomel region |
60 |
Kazan |
80 |
Brest region |
60 |
Perm |
50 |
Grodno region |
70 |
Drainage basin surface coefficient |
Type of surface |
Coefficient (k) |
asphalt or concrete |
0,95 |
paving stone with cement compound |
0,85 |
paving stone with unisolated compound |
0,6 |
block with unisolated compound |
0,45 |
road-metal cover |
0,25-0,6 |
gravel cover |
0,15-0,3 |
grass area depending of ground |
0,05-0,35 |
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